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Home » Restaurant Insurance in Oak Brook, IL
August 27, 2024

Restaurant Insurance in Oak Brook, IL

Operating a restaurant presents both rewards and challenges. Successful restaurant management hinges on comprehending and mitigating risks. Restaurant owners can protect their investments and maintain seamless business operations, even when unexpected events arise, by securing appropriate insurance coverage.

What Insurance Do Restaurants Need? photo of pub set in room during daytime

Restaurant owners should consider the following essential insurance policies to protect their business financially:

  • Business property insurance—This coverage can help financially safeguard the physical building and everything inside, including equipment, furniture and inventory.
  • Liability insurance—This offers financial coverage if your business is at fault for injuries to others or damage to their property. Key types of liability insurance include the following:
  • General liability can help financially protect against claims related to bodily injury, property damage and advertising injury.
  • Liquor liability is necessary if your restaurant serves alcohol on the premises. For instance, you could be legally accountable if a patron causes harm or damage after consuming alcohol on your premises. Liquor liability insurance can offer financial protection in such situations.
  • Employment practices liability can help cover legal expenses related to employee claims (e.g., discrimination, wrongful termination).
  • Workers’ compensation—Most states mandate this coverage if you employ staff. It can assist in covering medical costs and lost wages for employees injured while working.

Smaller restaurants may be eligible for a business owners policy (BOP), combining some of the above coverages into one convenient package. The suitability of a BOP may vary based on an organization’s specific characteristics and risk profile.

Where to Get Restaurant Insurance

Contact KSA Insurance Agency to discuss your insurance needs. We can help tailor a policy to your specific operations.


This blog is intended for informational and educational use only. It is not exhaustive and should not be construed as legal advice. Please contact your insurance professional for further information.

Categories: Restaurant

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